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Ve VAŠEM prostoru redakce Totemu nezodpovídá za obsah jednotlivých příspěvků.
Havana and Long Island twice for 290 total
Autor: Boobis Typewriter (Občasný) - publikováno 30.3.2008 (11:46:00)
"You are the uncle my best-man now my son!"
So in two weeks we went for a crawl, two weeks older. We ate a bit, talked a bit about sub-prime, money from our fathers, China, our MBAs, our jobs, that RADAR is a polyndrom, Russia, Iran of course we talked to other people and then we went to Havana, the place with the Plastic People of the Unviverse alit with small bulbs and Czech 80's music. We had "coc long island ice tea". 290. We checked the bill. Everything was fine, 145 twice. Girl bowed and too my 2000 bill. Later I was wondering, whether she was a waitress or just a girl that bowed and took my money. When she returned we left her 10 for tip. 5 coin for each of us. Sure my friend, no problem, I will not tell your wife.

Poznámky k tomuto příspěvku
Lumiik (Občasný) - 1.4.2008 >
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